Are there any teachers in this subreddit?
I wanted to see if there are any moms in this subreddit who are also teachers and ask about what it is like to try to manage both. I am not a mom, I am a college student majoring in Elementary Education and I’ve wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember.
I have worked as a full time infant caregiver in daycares, as a teacher’s aide in preschools, and I work as a full time nanny to pay for college right now. Working in preschools is what made me want to be a teacher, I loved being in a classroom setting all day and I realized I wanted to be the one planning and teaching the lessons, just for kids a little older.
Another reason I am drawn to teaching is because it seems like a good career choice if motherhood is a big goal of yours, which it is for me. I would have the same days off pretty much as my kids and I would get most of my summers off. Also, I know this is easier said than done but if I managed to time my pregnancies so I gave birth in May/June each time, I would get a lot of paid maternity leave.
Just wanted to hear from teachers who are also mothers and see if my outlook is realistic or not!