Your FoMO is NOT Blizzard’s fault

I have wanted to write this post for many years now, but due to fear of massive backlash and downvotes, I have hold back. But now with Plunderstorm-gate, I feel like I have to speak my mind on what I feel is damaging the game more than anything else in Dragonflight. And that is players who oppose rewards or gamemodes due to their FoMO (Fear of Missing Out).

Please note that this is not aimed at individuals or specific comments, but an overall thinking within the community I feel is fairly contraproductive for the game’s evolvement.

Your FoMO is NOT Blizzard’s Fault

Chapter 1: My Story

I had played WoW for a couple of months in WoTLK but was never really a fan of the end game back then. I levelled some characters but not much more than that, I didn’t really enjoy raiding and as a solo player, there wasn’t much to do.

With the introduction of M+ in Legion, I came back to WoW in patch 7.2.5. and been stuck in Azeroth ever since (with a break of a couple of months during Korthia).

I had a blast in Legion. Every day was an adventure, even in end game. I did Tomb of Sargeras but found myself not really keen on doing raids, so I decided to try out M+ which I loved. I started following Asmongold and saw how he went out of his way to collect AllTheThings so I did that aswell during weeks I felt outburned from dungeons. I levelled other classes to discover each unique class halls and I ran older raids to get new cool mounts and transmogs.

What everyone said back then was >There’s something for everyone in this game<. Some liked arena, some liked to farm battlegrounds, some liked pet battles, some liked M+ and some liked Raids. I felt like there was no intention by anyone to do ”all”, you simply just did whatever you wanted to do and skipped the gamemodes you didn’t enjoy doing. If you wanted to push competetive in M+ however you needed to Raid in order to get tier pieces and some trinkets.

Chapter 2: BfA

With the introduction of BfA, people asked Blizzard not to feel any incitement to do the raids if you only wanted to do M+, or having to grind M+ if you wanted to PvP. So Blizzard introduced PvP vendors, PvP Weekly chests and made gear from M+ having higher ilvl, making raiding and Uldir feeling irelevant for me (thankfully).

I also started to set out goals for my collections. I wanted to go after x amount of achievement points and mounts. I knew I couldn’t the old Zul Gurub mounts, the WoD Curve-mount, the gladioter mounts or any of the legacy achievements – but I really didn’t mind. I didn’t even wanna farm gladiator from the current seasons because PvP was simply just not fun enough for 1000+ hours grinds each seasons to get to 2400. And you know what? That is fine. Me not having any gladiator mounts or CE achievements is A-OK because I am rewarded for the gamemodes I like to do.

Chapter 3: Dragonflight and Plunderstorm

Over the years I found the community changing its direction and foundation from

”i WANT to Raid and collect things” or

”I want to simply queue PvP and dungeons”

-> to

”i NEED to pay 500,000k for a manuscript”,

”i NEED to play plunderstorm for tmog”,

”i NEED to farm PvP for glad mounts”

”F this FoMO”

And I’m just sitting here in shock. The main argument against Plunderstorm is because it’s ”FoMO and i don’t even like Battle Royal”..

For me FoMO is only really relevant if you miss out on things you want to do. This community uses fomo on things they don’t even like to do…

Friends. It’s okay that M+ players gets rewards from what they like to do in WoW.

It’s okay that collectors gets cool transmogs from farming events such as Big Dig, Superbloom or Time Rifts.

It’s okay if PvPers gets glad mounts from their accomplishments.


It’s okay if people who like Plunderstorm get some rewards from playing that aswell.


WoW’s Greatness for me is that there’s something for everyone, but it’s not intended to be everything for someone. You opposing introductions of new fun game modes or rewards because you get FoMO is the real reason why this game is stalling in 2024, in oppose of Legion. It’s okay if you do not want to play M+, BR, PvP or Raid, but let those who do get some rewards by doing that.

And you know what? I have 808 mounts, 42 000 achievement points and some M+ titles - not even once have i got laughed at for missing out on having FoMO items such as CE titles, Zul Gurub mounts or Mage Tower tmogs. FoMO is only in your head, and the game shouldn’t halt its evolvement because you are afraid to not get every item by doing things you don’t even like to do.