Trading Post is WAY too expensive!

I guess I should start off by saying I adore the trading post as a system. Getting unique transmogs, pets, and mounts added without needing the content to line up and just letting the devs go crazy is a fantastic idea.

That all being said, this month more than any other prices on items are just crazy. 300 tender per weapon when you've added a whole arsenal? 650 per transmog set when you've added multiple? Not to mention the wastewander set returning and still being 850! People waited a long time for that to come back and if you buy it you can barely afford anything else.

I genuinely don't want to complain about the trading post or give the impression that it shouldn't be in the game, It's just that so many of us want to be able to get these things and yet we can barely afford any of them. If we don't get the things we want on a given month, there's no telling when (or if) they'll come around again.

I really just hope that Blizzard will listen to us and our feedback and either gives us more tender or makes things cheaper (at least on returning items). This is an issue people have been complaining about for a long while now and it seems to have only gotten worse.