This "alt friendly expansion" is the least alt friendly ever.

Want to switch mains/ play an alt? Ok just gotta grind renown for soul binds, grind korthia for catch up gear that doesn't quite catch you up and has a cap on item level that you won't unlock before you've replaced all of it from doing literally any other content, grind torghast for legendary, grind gold for legendary, hope you get the conduits you want. Pick 1 type of content and role you want to do because covenants. Play the is my legendary even available this week roulette. Play the pugging dead raid if leggo is there. Congratulations you can now finally be at the lowest end of endgame content trying to get accepted into groups that have +10 or more item level advantage on you!

A lot of this shit is necessary to even change roles in one character. Gotta grind a new leggo and start renown over if I don't want to be laughed out of all content!

Edit: there seems to be a lot of disagreement on what alt friendly means. And this is perhaps a wider issue as a whole from the way the game is designed. Right now my guild is progging heroic and our personal group is on 13 ish keys looking to get to 15's soon. When I hear the words "alt friendly expansion" I think of the investment required in order to have an alt capable of subbing in when you just need a bad dps over a good healer or a bad healer over a good tank, or even wanting to be one role for raiding and another for m+.

Like my brother is a hunter right now but we need a dk in the raid right now and he had a geared dk last patch but the best spec has changed so now he would have to start the whole covenant and leggo stuff again in order to bring the dk and feel like it's worth it. He is a full time student with a kid. He doesn't have the time to keep his hunter up to speed and get the dk caught up. That's what I mean by alt unfriendly.

If you want to have an alt that you can get free 2k gold on each day and nothing else sure great expansion. But that's not alt friendly from an actual end game perspective that's just can have alts that do mind numbing content for more gold than just a main.

Edit #2. A lot of mine and my brother's frustration, and the reason I made this post, is the amount of out of dungeon and raid content that has to be done both for maintenance reasons to keep your main on the progression curve (gotta push that korthia rep bar up, got your soul embers and Stygian embers? How are your conduits going? Done the mandatory story quests yet to keep up with renown?) And then for every alt you want to start gearing you have to catch up with all this extra shit. He has a few hours every other day to play. He spends 2 of those days in raid night. We only actually enjoy being in the dungeons or raid. If that's repeating lower end content for dungeons and raids that's fine. It's the HUGE amount of time that feels expected just doing chores. Doing solo content that provides no challenge beyond the challenge of staying awake.