lagree vs reformer pilates better for a just-for-fun dancer?

I've started dancing in the past year and I no longer feel like the fitness afforded to me by a fair amount of cardio (running 10-15 miles a week + bike commuting + dancing 5ish hours a week) is sufficient for my athletic needs. I think I'd be way better at dance if my strength (& by extension balance) were better. Many dancers do pilates, I know, but given that I'm not a professional athlete and have little muscle, I was wondering whether anyone had suggestions about which of these would be better for my use case, or if anyone has alternate suggestions? I've never been able to self-motivate to work out very well, so 'just go to the gym and do these exercises / just follow along online at home' has not gone well for me at all. I do have a stretching regime which I am semi-regular about, fwiw, and I'm not really looking to waste time on that in a class.