Anyone else tired of people just splashing fiendsmith in literally anything?
Sorry if it seems like a rant but a lot of decks nowadays just seem to splash fiendsmith in every deck, even in decks that have a lock such as ryzeal and maliss. Dont get me wrong, fiendsmith is a fun engine but nowadays I feel like deckbuilding has come to a point where people are like "add fiendsmith to bait out handtraps etc". A lot of Deck profiles now have become piles to enable fiendsmith. It would have been much nicer if fiendsmith was being played in light fiend or fiend decks. Like there is no creativity at all anymore in my opinion, 2 effect monsters make moon? congrats your deck is eligible to play fiendsmith as most meta decks lock you after their effects have been activated, so they just start off with fiendsmith. I do not think that fiendsmith needs to be directly banned but cards that enable it such as closed moon, I know some decks can still go into fiendsmith such as ryzeal with exciton or even adusted gold but closed moon is the most generic one.