If I buy a stabled horse as Arthur, could I buy it again as John?
The Giaguaro is cool as hell
Arthur bluffing his way out of a double homicide... "I hope you solve this unfortunate mistery" lol
I caught a Murfree and gave him a little scare...
I didn't know arthurt sings when you not doing anything!
Red Dead Redemption 2
Can you cheat the game and have the random encounter ambushes be repeatable?
Tried my hand at RDR2's Free Roaming music. How did I do?
Mr. Pearson, the gator whisperer
Which knife do you prefer to use?
Invisible sniper taking out the guards in Guarma
How do i PLATINUM this game?
What is this in Arthur’s tent?
Does anyone know what this thing is?
Arthur actually has unique lines of dialogue that are exclusive to Guarma
What is your favorite Micah line?
Grizzly bear decomposing
I just found Garfield from Martha's Swain... 1000+ hours on the game and countless hours on YT and Reddit and never knew this existed
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong with legendary fish?!
Sneaking into ranches while the owners are asleep because i've run out of things to do in this game
What is this near Valentine ?
For those who have 100%'d the game, what was the last thing you did to achieve it.
1 psycho cowboy vs. 30 inbred hillbillies
At what point in the game would you say the gang was at it's peak, bond-wise?
For people thats far or have finished RDR2