Who will it be?
Unpopular opinion, bliss shaders is bad. (Based on my experience)
Name a super power that is really lame and someone explains how it’s super OP
Now even other webtoons are reminding me of orv ;_;
We could do it, you know.
Skynet trials coming soon
I forgot which mod I installed ⛏️🔥
You Can Become a Balloon
Choose a weak superpower, but the first to reply will buff it
Hello. How many GB's of RAM do you need to run modded minecraft with 50-75 mods on a PC with 12GB'S of RAM?
Bliss shaders are so beautiful
It finally happened
How would the Gojo fights in JJK if he had D4C: Love train instead of Infinity?(No D4C, just Lovetrain)
Absolute peak ahh motherboard
And here i am, automating death prot poppets from scratch
Optifine keeps crashing
Can’t conclusively determine what is crashing 1.20.4 modded server
When coding is 90% magic and 10% actual logic
Petition to create a Dokkaebi Helpline number.
what is the best Iris shader for rendering flashbacks/replays
Why do we hate mcreator?
I didn't even know this could happen!