So I just can’t open the 90+ Legends pack
What Kanye song does this sound like?
Stakeout sucks ass
Love the new time stop killstreak
Green animation?
Who Should I Throw In?
Two Aces in one match!
Has anyone else been at a game that was later made into a moment?
Tickets for todays game?
Is this the highest exit velocity possible?
Under the radar investments?
PCI Hitting Tips
Opinions so far
Tried this again lmk, all personal opinion but feel free to argue w me😃
every song on tyler’s 6 albums ranked. thoughts?
[SW] Nook’s buying for 545
[SW] Timmy and Tommy buying at six 35
[SW] Nooklings buying for 322
[SW] El Nook Brothers buying for Four-7-9
[SW] 560 a pop!
[SW] nooks buying ar 336 looking for tips
[SW] Buying at 191
[SW] Nooks selling for 440 (read description)
[SW] Twins buying for 451! Tips are appreciated