i can’t stop thinking—if someone doesn’t mercilessly abuse me while i’m still young and desirable then i am worth nothing
18F. Got friendzoned today so I was wondering if it had something to do with my appearance?
Canadian hockey fans boo U.S. anthem before Wings-Canucks game in Vancouver
CMV: gun control is a bad idea
i am 21 and i only find 40 year old men attractive is this normal?
I, personally, have never been enlisted in the military or been a military veteran, as I would not qualify
CMV: We must support, not condemn the American People
Finally I won’t be ugly anymore
Squirt is piss. Stop trying to make it something else.
Tailing on the overrated thread. What's the most underrated landmark in the world?
CMV: Democracy was overrated anyway
I hate my small boobs.
He doesn't ask questions
Men keep ghosting me after being intimate
How can I(19M)muslim save my relationship w (19F) Christian?
afraid of sex
What are some unique gifts or souvenirs to bring home from Chicago?
21f ghosted after sex with two guys, advice?
I am 30 but feel people my age are senile
f20, Am I Ugly?
Only highly successful men on Tinder: Do you feel happier than other men because you can be with someone all the time?
Voting Liberal for the first time in my life
🔥 Sea otter showing off his favorite rock to a fisherman
I don't even know how to process this. Trump to issue strict tariffs on Taiwanese semiconductor exports to the US
I feel sad that I'll never look like the women I want to look like