Tried sculpting instead of sketching
First time rendering, any tips??
Trying to practice still life. Give me ideas or any pointers 👍
Tattoos & marriage
متى كانت اخر مره بجيت ؟ و ليش ؟
Black water
The Playful Rat
1 hour, 1 brush. Need tough criticism because I don't feel like I'm improving. And can't quick draw.
شنو المواقف الغريبة اللي صارت وياكم بالشوفة الشرعية ؟
How did I do for my first time at painting?
اقوى لعبة لعبتها بلا منازع؟
شنو صار حق اشطر او اكسل شخص كان معاك بالمدرسة او بالجامعة؟
Action scene in an Indian movie
Quick Drawing I just drew while bored at work "fear of the unknown" inspired by Diemos by Dragon Bibin
Saw someone post their beautiful artwork. Here's my latest artwork "The Djinni" "الجني"
Since more people are posting their art here, thought I’d join in! This here is a sketch of my Kuwaiti female main character, Habarah!
موقف او شي صارلك و مستحيل احد يصدق السالفة؟
دام مواضيعكم كلها زواج عندي سؤال
برد افتح موضوع الزواج شوي😂 في موضوع محيرني
Best caption wins
(First Draft) I drew Thulfiqar based on the rewayat only
App keeps crashing
Is it cringe to use 3d models for references?