A good book for statistics for absolute dummies ?
pure mathematics and applied books for dummies?
Anyone in the AMCS-stat program by kaust?
Free programming programs /hackathons competitions for undergraduate students?
Has anyone gone to AMCS-stat school by kaust? (from jeddah)
How do i get more gold?
Newbie here, genuinely confused about these suits and how to get coins
Does anyone need a tutor for mathematics?
Any good cheap hair saloons? (ladies only) في احد يعرف صالونات شعر نسائية زينة؟
Renewed my passport, do i need to immediately activate to travel?
Any place where i can get those advance flip phones? (not the galaxy fold) like the Japanese flip phones
Kaust academy, AI training specialization
Saudis who decided to take 2 bachelor's, how was the experience. السعوديين اللي قرروا ياخذوا بكالوريوس ثاني بعد ما خلصوا دراستهم، كيف كانت تجربتكم؟
Do you think one 'C' will ruin my chances on doing master's?
How do i fix my student card in tawakalna كيف أصلح بطاقة الطالب في توكلنا؟
Anyone know of any opportunities to gain experience for research, internships, or just free courses with certification ? (math major or etc)
Any saudi students in Tudelft?
في سعوديين حالياً مبتعثين في هولندا؟
Am i allowed to apply for a bachelor's after graduating BcS mathematics?
هل الحصول على الابتعاث الحكومي (سفير) صعب مرة؟
أبغى نصايح بخصوص الابتعاث (سفير)
ايش يعني ينحط كـ تابع؟
فيه أحد يدرس رياضيات وقريب يتخرج؟