When do you think the next reset will be?
Who do you think could be the Antichrist? Could it be the evolution of technology itself? Why is he represented in Islam with only one functional green left eye?
What do you think will happen in 2030-33?
What do you think about this?
What is the greatest and key secret to understanding this world?
Is the all-seeing eye an AI?
What does “999” mean in this game?
Who is the mirror man?
Post-Credits Scene from Attack on Titan: The Last Attack
Eren Jaeger
Biggest mystery in the Fallout universe?
Things to do if you're bored in Fallout 3
Would it be a good idea a Fallout game where you are born and grow up with the Enclave, completely changing your view of the faction, and in the end, the game gives you the opportunity to betray them?
Who has more power in the Fallout universe?
The Courier, lucky and 3 deathclaws
Best unique weapon?
He likes hardstyle
The Courier vs Legendary deathclaw (console)
Chinese communist vs Caesar’s Legion
Best faction?
Who is the best “enemy”?
This has to end now.