I wasn't very happy with the current Liveview/Costream websites, so I decided to make my own. Open to feedback!
Bringing Pinia into an Electron Application to Manage State
Build Electron Apps with Vue and Vite
What are you using as a replacement charging cube for your Macbook?
I have 8 years of experience. The market sucks and I am not passionate enough to compete this hard. My GitHub has no activity. Anyone find their skills transferable to another career above McDonald’s?
Using moondream to track gazes in real time for retail stores
Any good discord servers to find top devs?
Quick Phone+Keyboard CyberDeck
Hosting Open-Source Translation Models on AWS for Automated Blog Localization
What's the route to getting pre-bis in SOD these days?
Which one is better ?
18 years old, 36k yearly income, full time college student, what can I do to make more?
Is this a "dark pattern?" visited a site and they kinda force you to accept cookies!
I tracked every hour of my life in 2024
Died on my HCIM 😭
me irl
Has anyone used Decathlon MT 500 50+10L Air as cabin baggage?
Anyone want the script to run Moondream 2b's new gaze detection on any video?
Homemade zinc paste
Umm... I've been working on the road for 5 months.
First 3 months of playing OSRS iron after switching from RS3 ironman
And new money making methods?
Meta: Is it possible to view badge without posting?
12 Day Trip in Thailand with 0.2L Bag