How does this one compare to the other Juices?
a piece of narrative writing :) would appreciate any feedback!
Drag when lure fishing?
Dutch surf fishing
Lure fishing the red sea?
Getting into fishing without anyone to take me
What's one thing you wish you knew before the exam?
Where do I get it now?????
So what is your ability?
What setups you guys use for sea lure fishing?
Does Line colour affect my fishing?
Another reason WJEC is fucked up-Mathematics grade boundaries 🤣 WTAF (btw this isn't me trying to 'show of my score- I understand maths is hard- I just wanted to share how fucked the boundaries actually are)
day 21 of removing monster can from the top comment
Tell me
You get a superpower based on your username. What's your superpower?
My idea of an ideal bf
Alright guys jokes over stop with the pregnancy parodies
What if
My daughter
Super neo metal by me
Are prawns good bait for the sea?
Blaze is a cat🐱(art by @miijiu)
reccomend me your favorite songs and ill rate them out of 10