Im looking for a video about ukraine
Everything garth eniss has ever writen is bad ..punisher kills the marvel universe is just way more bad
A pom del fer ?
How did Vision get infected if he’s a robot? Is Mark Millar stupid?
Punisher max is bad ...slavers is just more bad
Grenell per marredheniet e Qeverise me SHBA
Theory: CDU is hoping to make a coalition with AfD. The vote was a litmus test to see public reaction.
Is Kosovo a good place to visit/live as a American
Thojnt te lyera, mashkull
What do we think about this, bros?
why do most people think that Mr Fantastic has no aura?😭😭 bro always gets clowned on social media
LAJM 3000 refugjat congolez do te vendosen ne shqiperi
We dont want to be Europeans nor Americans
Proposed unions in Europe
Llojet e bimëve dhe kulturat bujqësore karakteristike në fshatrat e Vitisë (veçanërisht në Vërnakollë)
My take on the Tucker Carlsson & Piers Morgan video about Kosovo
Why is support for hungarian claims in transylvania so popular (at least online)?
Dokumentohet në Kosovë kafsha qe konsiderohej e zhdukur nga regjioni Ballkanit qe 200 vjet. Bëhet fjalë për kastorin, i cili jeton në lumenj, dhe dikur kishte habitate edhe në Kosovë (source: Koha.official)
Për herë të parë pas pavarsisë serbët në veri do paguajnë tatime mbi pronat e tyre!
As a albanian i feel no pitty for my fellow albanians voting a literal fashist into power
Rabbi Luka Babić
A po doni me pa propagand?
Kosova slander wh40k
New superman seems like a overeaction to snyder
Shamil check his grepling bradar