Is this good enough for big bang? (I know it's heavy uber carry, that's just how I play)
Is this lag or some kind of hacks?
How many hours yall got?
Which one should I evolve
Is he even worth it?
Pokémon GO to the club~
I'm new to restorations, got any tips?
How much rare tickets have you saved up?
Plastic cone. Roughly the length of a fake finger nail
What am I supposed to do here
I don't know how but i beat crazed lizard with this
Is it still jaywalking if your feet never touch the street? E.g. jumping from one sidewalk to another.
I downloaded the adventure sonic skin but I don't know where to find it
I need help downloading the game
Tell your favorite godzilla Character and see what you get
Which one should I evolve?
Truly some wisdom in the school restrooms
What would you put?
Almost there!
Can I beat ITF2 moon? (Unit info in comments)
Do i have any posibility of winning?
What do yall think about my load out for a little bit of everything (I'm thinking about swapping crazed cat or wall cat for ramen when I evolve him)
What [fluff] battle cats song will you play
What song will you play
why did they remove the ready up button