My meds make me stupid
Wall Of bass was off the chain
What do your comedowns feel like
yawning while coming up?
Heading to a rave. Need advice
What’s a good movie to watch on 🍄🍄🟫🍄🍄🟫
Is it worth trying cocaine?
this is it - carti is dropping this week
Weekly FitPic.. OR.. ❕❔
Main acc story
I feel like I wasted my time
Opinions on taking a large dose of Ritalin for a rave
Diff between shroom and acid
Never turn down a C&K b2b Mefjus
Help please?!??!
What are some Good headphones to mix/master with?
Look at the carti community man so wholesome
This can’t be real lmao
Valium and weed is the best combo
Is Cold water extraction needed (codeine)
Can you do a cold water extraction of ibuprofen/co-codamol
Guys please don't use benzos for recreation or as stupid as I used.
Thoughts on this one please...
Best Benzos for straight up anxiety without being monged out?