Be honest, how many times have you bought this game? Mines 5
I buy games to not play, why?
Do you hide your non-steam launchers in your library?
What games struggle to run under proton and wine
Issues with Decky Loader and NSL
Issues with GOG via Nonsteamlaunchers
Jsaux 2in1 adapter
I've designed the Nuka-cola Quartz labels but can't decide which is better. new Vegas's is white but I feel like clear would be cool. I'll still add both to my collection but any opinions?
Got my pre-order finally.
My bottlecap collection rate from one to 10
cant find executable
They called a madman! Built a simple but reliable airplane Steam Deck Holder.
What keeps you invested in the Fallout franchise? Gameplay, lore, characters, or personal experience?