How do I get unblocked by Pisces man?
Zodiac sign you have the most passionate love with? Also mention ur sun.
Fellow Geminis what has been your experience with Pisces?
Have you ever done anything that you shouldn't have from being hurt?
Which sign is this?
Unhealed Pisces?
Does anyone else feel like this?
A message from a Pisces what are your thoughts?
Which signs do you always fall for and which signs always fall for you?
Do you ever find it hard to let go of a relationship?
Will a pisces man regret to this?
As a Pisces?
Are Virgo Women affectionate? Or are they just afraid to show it?
I could really do with your thoughts and also to know if you've had anything similar?
Am I the only Pisces that adores Virgo and Gemini??
I hate Geminis
Any regrets?
How soon would you know?
What do you notice first?
Pisces and communication?
Pisces thoughts?
Your thoughts on gemini's
What star signs do you attract the most?
Any thoughts in Aquarius
If you weren't a Pisces?