Lip tingling/twitching but no cold sore blisters
I’ve had around 20 UTIs in the past 2 years
Men, what do you prefer in a woman?
Do you genuinely think Kamala Harris should run in 2028?
Ladies, what would your last meal be?
UTI and cheating?
39 Married with kids.
What is the reasoning being given for why removing the Department of Education would BENEFIT the United States?
I feel unwanted by my wife. Any advice?
Looking for a cute romantic gesture for Valentine’s Day
AIO I Turned Off the Super Bowl and My BF Lost It
Just spent 6 nights at Secrets Akumal, AMA!
I(27M) am having a hard time with proposing to my (27F) Girlfriend and cant figure out why.
anyone else deeply ashamed of their labia ?
Ringtail cat?
What if your child is trans?
Side effects of Prozac?
Best smart doggy door?
I’m (32F) thinking about leaving my husband (37M). Do you think I’d be doing the right thing?
Teenage boys disgust me
Any idea what this could be? Small fatty growth with bleeding under the skin
I’m pretty sick of…
Are Trump supporters happy about his first 2 weeks in office?
Are ridgebacks sighthounds?
Food switch! Pls help!