What a tender moment
Recreated the iconic Akira cover
Trying to gather data for a project: What’s the first song you think of when you think of The Midnight?
About to start Legends Mode
Wish list/features for Yotei?
Completed the game
Best caliber for handguns
Anyone still want to play legends?
Different ways to sheath your katana?
Hey mods
What are yall thoughts about this?
Finally done
I don’t get it?
Legends solo
Fun fact: Nate Fox and Jason Connell, who worked as directors on Ghost of Tsushima, have been named official ambassadors of the island of Tsushima. After the game sparked interest in the island and its history.
Legends teammate?
PSA: 🛑 STOP unloading people supply trucks for them,you are NOT helping anyone, all you are doing is stealing XP from players who bothered to drive back and forth getting supplies.
Want players for legends?
Finally got the platinum!
Busted Social Tab
This siege right now going on at Levie on the Spearhead vanilla server is insane.
Scavenged magazines show even in replay.
I just pulled the dirtiest thing I've ever done in a video game
A few things I wish they do better in Ghost of Yotei
Ghost of Tsushima legends on pc!