What is the difference between MDA and MDMA? Reddit always gives me better than answers than google.
Am I unlucky or stupid, or both
Historic times guys...
Forever a student. Stay away from those who claim to be masters.
What is going on??
Some new buff fire. (Of course)
Fellow Utahns how do you prevent and/or combat the seasonal depression....I am struggling.
University Research Project
What if?
Jared Goff and his wife are apart of the ownership bid to bring a WNBA team to Detroit
Shroomieworld HBP
Going camping and doing mushrooms: question about prepping them.
Can anyone identify this strain? Was told it was a rare one [3 pics]
My LSD experiences
Tattooed by “Sugar” Fort Worth, Tx Knuckledup Tattoo
Where could I get some NorCal 209 area
Where do you guys get your testing kits?
Jack frost
How do I clean these to prep for food dehydration / eat fresh
not sure ig contam or too much hydration
Yeti with insane amounts of actives. Never seen 2 grams dry turn liquid that blue. Let alone before drying the these were white
What if
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Audio-Technica AT-LP70X