cmv: people who are pro-life should also support mandatory organ donation
Anon is a dick magnet
Anon admits to fantasizing about underage girls.
Man rescues newborn puppies that were left for dead
That's the catch
Anon has nothing to hide
Check out this tattoo i got last week
soup was too hot
anon ponders a societal question
Anon got more than he bargained for
ODahViing has my back
A woman carries the most eggs she ever will when she is pregnant with a girl child.
CMV: Romance Movies can be just as damaging as porn
I wish a beautiful woman in a pickle suit would show up to my house to tell me that I had just won a lifetime supply of pickles.
A Very Happy Moment
TIFU by getting comfortable meowing back at my cat
I never understood how it could have happened, but can you explain? OWE
Recite the spongebob theme song. OWE
Your brain holds onto information so well that if you are deficient in something, you will crave a food that has that specific nutrient without even realizing that food had that it to begin with
There are ideas in your brain that someone paid to have there
anon talks politics
WCGW moving the "inconveniently" placed wet floor sign
Moose (Spotify x Youtooz) Box Art . Ext Box: ~1H 15M 5S, Int Box: ~11M 36S, Sleeve: ~7M, Total: ~1H 33M 41S
The gap in my bedroom window became a pinhole camera
Why are typical memory chips based on powers of 2?