When did they even release that king skin ??
What's up with JADON'S builder base
New Workshop Level!!!
New level for workshop
Elixir shortage
I just realized that while attacking, you can click on collectors or storages to see exactly how much loot you’ll get by destroying them.
Builder's POV:
Builders POV:
Woah this is the first time i saw this ,have u faced the same issue or am i the only skilled one 😎?
Hai guts?
Remember to collect today's magic snack (Clan Castle Cake) 😄.link in comments to collect it
Based on true events 😂
The bug has not yet fixed
Suggest a name for this cutie
Every clash of clans cwl's story
Every cwl's story
Which one would you use with dragons?
So guys should i by this gold got this offer on my rushed th 14 account
The greedy bitch wanted 16 gems 💎 I caved in and fell for her Jedi mind trick
Guys is this a glitch or what as the total star our clan has done is 73 but here it says 83
how do we get pet potions ???? There are none in raid shop they removed it!!
4700 no defense th6
Which is your favourite obstacle ,my personal favourite is the dragon one