My dad just got arrested for fentanyl
Guess who won in overtime tonight!
Billie is 50 something. Why does he still think he's a teenager?
I'm trying to get into basketball. What would be the NFL or NHL equivalent of the Luka trade?
Do it.
So guys, how do you cope with the +200 days of no NFL or college football?
I've decided on the pirates to be my team. What should I know?
What’s it called when players are passing the ball all over the place like a hot potato?
3 men were told to kill their wives in the final stage of CIA initiation
was replacing a shower drain when I noticed someone watching me
UD replacement thoughts?
Lane Hutson Young Guns Silver
Coming to PPG as an opposing fan.
Public enemy Number One
My lowest odds pull
What is the SHL? When do guys play there and when can they come to the NHL after being drafted?
Guys Always remember
I truly think I have sinned past God's forgiveness.
For those that dated - Why did you guys break up?
I want to play a game.
What do I have for a snack
The pictures won't work but imagine there's a picture of how many calories are in 2 pop tarts and I'm saying that's a lot of calories fam
Do you think that hitting your children is okay?