I wish we had more mac and kendrick tracks
Just cause it doesn't have the numbers it deserves.
day 3, what song should i add next
My homeboy printed me this shirt, do we kiss rn?
Telling my parents?
Men and women of reddit, if someone requests your sexual company for 1-2 hours and during that time you have to comply with his kinks and fetishes, what would you want in return from him or her?
where are my fellow degenerates at (25F)
If you could kill any rapper to bring another one back to life, who would you choose ?
Trying to persuade you to put a baby in my belly these days
What are your healthy coping mechanisms when life gets stressful?
8 months of ghostly hell.(25 F) (43 M)
Do most guys with gfs still jerk off solo?
Older men and their choice body types
Is 4'11 too small to use?
Only a spoooon full
What is your bad habit?
Who’s yours favorite Black Superhero
What characters do you think used to be A list but no longer are?
what song should i add next?
I feel guilty about being horny as a women ?
If you could redo your 20's what advice would you give yourself?
Favorite Team Avatar member and why
Is anyone else in a way more attracted to people who are somewhat “in their league” rather than supermodels or stunning actresses?
27M. Genuinely curious what assumptions can be made about me based on my home
Please give this demon a name!