He refuses to add nazi emblem.
I took this picture 7 years ago and still haven’t been able to figure out what’s going on…
How do I deal with my (19f) girlfriend's mother constantly putting me(21m) down?
Is aftermarket suspension worth it?
Dracula on Fox?
Should I break up with my boyfriend
Fuck you
I finally got back into drawing today (ink&graphite)
Blacked out fingertips
Why does my arm get hot and get red spots randomly?
Guesss what?
What do I name this?
Am I cooked
Did y‘all catch the Folsom scat discourse …
21m, happily spoken for. What’s the vibe?
so it’s bad right?
My girlfriend’s mom claims she never liked me from the beginning. Is it worth trying to change her mind? Me(21M) gf(20f)
What’s a TV show that everyone loves but you secretly can’t stand?
In loving memory of my late 2013 Sport 💜
New gear shifter that took me $20 and 45 minutes to put together (2010 sport)
State flag redesign for Nebraska (USA)
What song is this
My Uber driver watching Greys Anatomy while driving. Don’t know how to feel about it
I have hairy legs and arms, and the hair grows 2+ inches long- Can I transplant it all to my head?