Can you bring tobacco to cruise ships?
Tobacco that your non-smoker cohabitant loves?
Les ha tocado atender a alguien famoso?
TCL 65 C755 vs C845
Stratotanker over Iraq right now (?)
Help with gold ring
Most commonly caused by?
Avi Bitterman on Twitter has compiled data to show how discriminate the IDF are regarding the October 7th response
Who is this cutie? She’s in the ceiling so I can’t get a good look
You are not alone.
Bought the f-91w almost two months ago, never worn a watch before, here I am now and I think I may have an addiction
Found this cutie while picking oranges
Hi! I need to ID this guitar and havent found much yet.
Is there a way to clean this dark spots?
My first visit to Santiago, I’m coming from USA. Planning on exploring the city and skiing Valle Nevado. A few questions:
Unique songs of the band that you can share with us!
What does r/Noctor think of these sorts of tests?
Firefighting in Viña del Mar, Chile
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Physician Assistant to Physician Associate.
Nurse thinks we should stop saying “Dr.”
What is this measurement of ???
42 y/o male. Acute cough, Covid +