Has anyone else lost weight with there breakup?
Mobile slowing down on the goofy shit I love to see it can’t lie
Aj 🔒 rn4l / sentenced for the murder of lil Joe rylo right hand he comes home next year
How have you been doing since your breakup?
Lil Tony bm stupid asf
It's never going to change.
Y yall bham niggas don’t fw yavo??
Yall mobile folks be some clowns😂
Atl metro map through my eyes
Random thought
Moving here from east coast, will I like it?
Yawl not listenin to 3J tho or whatever
Dreams of being in a classroom
I wanna see sum
4x gotta be the softest click from the ham no cool points
24lefteye/dildo bandit trynna commit suicidal acts
Why did Boosie fall off when he got out of jail in 2014
24Lefteye(HG5L) expose for being A 😨😂WTF
This nigga needs to be put down 🤦🏾♂️
tg kommas got dat herp n flashing out😭😭
dis nigga gotta be a runaway science experiment
Crying and chills during prayer
Question, Everyone sharing their story on seeing somebody pass, yall think if it came down to life or death you can actually erk smb?
When was the first time you seen someone get killed?
rico story