Why is this vid doing so bad?
Is my thumbnail good?
Looking for feedback. Do I just need time or are my videos not good enough?
How to use a teleprompter
How can I get a better CTR
Why does this keep happening :( 0 views or impressions
Why does this keep on happening :(
Will posting off niche videos on my channel hurt my engagement when I post normal videos.
Why does this keep happening :(
Why does this keep happening?
Why Does This Keep Happening?
How can I make this better? or should I just scrap it?
Why does my video get no views or impressions? :(
Why does my video get practically no impressions? (only 4)
I feel like my thumbnails are holding me back, but I'm not sure what I should change about them or how. Any suggestions?
What went wrong :(
Is this thumbnail any good? How can I improve?
Is this thumbnail any good? And how can I make it better
How can I improve the CTR and overall reach of my vids.
Started recently, how do I get more views and improve all around.
How should I improve.
Ok. How do I improve?
A small milestone.... but big for me....