Really want to improve, this is my throwie and tag so far after 1 month. Tips and suggestions welcome. Thank you :)
Alien peice
Curb grind on a hill
Roast the shit out of it
How do ti progress from a throwie like this to a straight letter peice?
BEAR piece🖊🖊✌️
More practicing the basics
New tag crits
From Bucks Subreddit
Cry baby
Any crits? GwoR
What do you think?
What’s the word, am I cool enough now?
First time
First piece i kind of like
So… who’s up for a rematch?
RIP ATSETone Blackbook burners. Archives 2004-2011
Giannis to someone off camera in the Bucks locker room “Hey man if you don't wanna be here you can leave.”
Help on graffiti sketch!
Help don't hate
am i ready 4 da streetz