Fr is there anyone left?
"Hila Kleiners" gloating about ethnic cleansing, while claiming in the same breath that the Pro-Palestine movement doesn't actually care about human lives.
Remember when Nate called snarkers racist for using the term "token"?
Ethan doesn’t know what a Liberal Zionist talking point is.
Ethan is trying to restart the adocalypse because his " content fluke" failed
isn’t this…. isn’t this what he and his base wanted?
Ethan literally doesn’t know what a designer dog is
Ethan ‘I bought my dogs’ Klein popped out and showed em how jealous he is of Hasan’s dog & chicken. . ?
Just remember this is who you are content nuking
Just remember this is who your content nuking
More stories
I’ve been featured twice on Ethan’s stories, how many are you on?
He’s supposed to be at his 3 year old child’s birthday party btw
Another baby brain that was "tricked" by Hasan
Sex criminal loser thinks Hasan has “sweepers” to defend him from ethan lmao
Yeah, and?
So true H3 Fam!! Keemstar, Dim Pool, Ian Miles Wrong are all on Ethan's side!! 😤👏🙏 WTHAN
I know your in Japan but drop everything so I can ruin your life :)
Among Giants
r/worldnews is gana be interesting this year
Matt Pointing out how Deranged all this Is.
What was the first movie you watched in 2025?
Comments on the Bradley Martin pod
what a repulsive monster this guy turned out to be
Now it's full circle