Where is this from?
Some results of the small photo shoot I did (w hubby too)
I think this is the closest i’ve gotten to scene
Rate my Kandi cuffs 😋😋 (the pictures might look bad cuz I took them on my iPad)
what is this? (wrong answers only)
Miles cosplay, how’d I do?
One Word
When someone asks me if i know it's not Halloween yet
Yeah, it's real
Would you play?
Poor glory
Uh yes, math class
Goku has no chance
What do you think?
Down D stairs defeated
Old is just a state of mind... but my back disagrees :(
seeing bf soon ^_^
Friday night!
Which MCR song got you into the band, which one was the first one you listened, and which one is your favorite?
Who is this from One Piece?
Favorite One Piece Man?