Proud to be here....Keep crying. Thank you Austin
Protest Wear (Black Bloc strategy)
seeking Japanese horror films recommendations!
Elder emos
We should be protesting with more American flags.
Preparing for the Wednesday March at the capital that every state in the country will be having. Help me pick what my sign should say
Nice but not for everyone
Out of my budget but looks amazing 🤩
Protest downtown Congress Wednesday @11
I’m a bit sad
Dino mug I just bought being cute
Favourite movie with a small (or even one-person) cast?
Valentine’s breakfast bake ideas?
Sharing our fairytale cottage with you!
name a scariest movie u watched as a kid than “spirited away”
Skunch! With 8 essential types of marrow
Chill Binge Worthy Shows??
Re: The SAVE Act
What have we actually killed?
Bill Introduced to Criminalize Abortion, Birth Control in Texas
Cookies not flattening??
I’m just so proud of how this turned out!
Any decent places for a VIP visit (the closer to downtown, the better) for dinner in the $30-50 range? 20 occupants
Thoughts about Nicholas Hoult?
Help me find a show i can stick to !
I was in therapy too long - Liz Miele