The "end" of the writing competition
Fate written in the Stars - [Chapter17]
Fan roster I made
What's the consensus on Fan service (pic strangely related)
New post flair for you to use plus question
Fate written in the Stars - [Chapter 16]
Fate written in the Stars - [Chapter 15]
Fate written in the Stars - [Chapter 14]
A quick reminder for the writing competition
Fate written in the Stars - [Chapter 22]
FwitS design poll winner was Artemis, and here is the completed drawing
Fate written in the stars - [Chapter 21]
Fate written in the stars character design poll
And so the collection grows
My king is back!
Writing Competition Submission (Chapter 3)
Regarding the current writing competition
Fate written in the Stars, A different course - [Chapter 1]
Writing Competition Submission (Chapter 2)
Powerscaling by someone who hates Powerscaling (plus predictions)
Who wins the 1v1: Thor or this cool rock
The start of the first ever writing competition
Fate written in the Stars - Chapter 20
What are the general speculations for what makes Siegfried so important for Odin to keep him locked in?
An announcement for writers of all skills