If someone picks Khamzat leave
Do you prefer end of Z goku or super goku
Someone explain how my boy lost this?
is sparking zero worth playing now?
How to counter clinch spam?
How to watch ufc?
How did i lose round 1??
Decided I wanted to do my first sl1 on this game and...
What would you name the sequel to Sparking Zero?
How did I lose the first round?????
Should wedgies be a new submission in ufc 6?
My immediate reaction when I match with a MUI Goku/SSJ4 Gogeta
Lag makes ranked absolutely fucking horrendous sometimes
I have been playing ufc 5 for ages and I still don’t know what online career is. Is it good and am I missing out?
Does Sparking Zero has enough Players
Am I considered bad at the game for submitting someone (read description)
Ignoring ultra instinct, which goku do you think is the best in terms of Gameplay?
How do you beat people who throw one strike at a time?
Who’s the new alter ego?
How long did it take you to get good at grappling?
Forget classic 90s give me some classic 2010-19 Alter Egos
What a sad sad life he must have...
What is with season 2 for storm connections DLC Pack
just lost this fight by decision 😭