Haul from my new LCS
Day 4: Good Player, Fans Divided
Some more Geiger's to add to the collection
1995-96 Flair New Heights #4
Bought my first full tube
LCS pickups from today
LCS had both of these bad boys in the generic bin with regular premium. Had to grab 👍
Early kook
One card I wish I still had
2019-20 Hoops Premium Stock was one of the sets that got me back into the hobby. Now I’ve got the black mojo 1/1 of my PC player from the set 😍
Bought this to flip but not sure I can let it go. Think I should keep?
Well that’s a new one
Jon is actually cooking Alex B on Twitter
I’m starting small time …
LCS haul
My First Coin Show Haul
Dude didn't even buy the item and is complaining
LCS Score
Anyone know what this dinosaur is from?
Any idea who signed this ball?
Does anyone know what variant this is??
Best panel in the series for you?
My Invincible Comic Book Collection (after 6 months of collecting).
Which unpopular Blink 182 song are you defending?