If each 100 episodes is a season of PKA, what is your favourite season?
i found this on YT but you gotta see it🤣
Hyundai Elantra wont start and not sure why??
GM Nico Harrison calls you the night of February 1st saying he wants to trade Luka right now to one team that would maximize Luka's trade value and simultaneously keep the Mav's competitive, who do you tell him to trade Luka for? You can only call 1 team!
The Kanye Doin (Taylor and Kyle are gonna have a field day w/ this one)
Bring your granddaughter to the place you used to work day
Rascal mcguffins
The NFL announces the Steelers will play in Dublin in 2025 for Ireland's first regular-season game
Woman steals car back from repo lot
MMW: The United States will violate the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty within a year.
This and the Browning are never going away
Internment Camp Talk
Congo-Leopoldville, 1904, A Congolese child who was dismembered for failing to achieve quota
Your former Prime Minister shat himself in a McDonald's in 1997. Your point is invalid.
Thatcher milk snatcher
asked someone for help reaching the pretzels and they said no 3
Lake Karachay in Russia, said to be the most polluted place on Earth. Standing on certain parts of the shore will kill you after 30 minutes due to radiation exposure
I stopped using weapon mounted lights, and honestly it makes the guns feel so much smaller and more comfortable for AIWB carry. Also, my wife makes fun of me when I take pics of my guns 🥲
Bill Walton and Kareem were giants. Next to 7 foot 4 Ralph Sampson
The "burning monk" was Thich Quang Duc, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who set himself on fire in 1963 to protest the persecution of Buddhists in South Vietnam.
Players Eligible for the Hall of Fame in 2026
[Highlight] Shannon Sharpe welcomes big bro Sterling to the Pro Football Hall of Fame
The only recorded instance of a business jet using afterburners, 1988
An artifact of an advanced civilization. UAZ 452DG three-axle version. Made in USSR 1976
Singer Ray J badly tries to perform a song and keeps getting interrupted by other artists during a concert.