What do young people think about the serious loss of rights for trans people?
My straight partner is going to pride, she's going to be in the parade. Her friends tell her it's weird to go, prove them wrong.
I had misplaced my diary on the day I first got prescribed HRT, I just opened up a random notebook to find this.
Interview outfit for today, I got the job 🥰
Interview outfit today, I got the job 🥰
Major Breaking News: Whitehouse said new anti-trans passport rules won't be retroactive, only affects renewals
What are you living for right now? Big or small. Positive responses only.
6 months v 12 months feminizing HRT. Forearm vein reduced
Earliest signs that you were a girl
my girlfriend’s new meds are spherical
What’s a lesbian stereotype you secretly (or not so secretly) embody?
Suddenly realized I was sitting cross cross applesauce in my bed and it felt…gender affirming?
Almost 32 at almost 3 years of E.
9 months on HRT, what’s the verdict?
What thing do people do that they think is “polite” but is actually super rude?
People who listen to one song on loop until they get bored of it : what is it currently?
Ever since I went on E I am getting constantly sleepy and hungry
what pants are you wearing that are NOT high-waisted jeans?
Just got doxxed on instagram
I accidentally Introduced Myself as My Dead Name
I hate when people tell me they ‘consider me a woman’
where are you guys getting your jeans?
Anyone want to start a trans commune where we just move to a blue state that has excellent trans healthcare and then just live together and share resources to combat the high cost of living of living in those states?
Date night outfit before I got stood up for not “being all the way trans” :/