Just found out my bank (Avidia in Hudson, MA) is hosting a celebration of January 6
Anyone else have any Xennial confessions?
SFAH: The Worst Excuses To Skip Your Child’s Performance
SFAH: Things Not To Say When You’re A Professional Hitman
SFAH: What Not To Say When You're On The Cross Next To Jesus
Is it normal for guys to pee sitting down?
Absolute banger came on in the shower after work.
Bird flu is ‘widespread’ in Massachusetts, state officials say.
Is emotional dysregulation a core symptom of ADHD?
Snake oil or actual medicine? Who cares, it was delicious....
Did anyone else just kinda stop watching TV?
Mistakes were definitely made
St. Ides for the win
I wonder where Little Ice is now
Guess Who's on the Registry
You ever wonder how well you would have fared in a low-tech, primal society?
Goodbye to Coffee?
Kill Your Feed
SFAH - things not to say on your wedding da
Scene: Drunk Person Who's On A Nature Show Looking At Animals In The Wild
Rejected Candle Scents
Favorite cool shops on Cape?
did your grandparents/parents talk to you about war?
What does my fridge say about me?
Xennial slang you stopped hearing
How many here remembers the band Vengaboys?