Trading these for any premium skins (not trading the ones that are locked)
How much is Reinhardt worth?
Trading hyde for underpay
who winner
Trading hyde
Lf: offers
Trading prem familiar for offer
any1 know why it doesnt let me click to reactivate my account?
Can sombody please tell me what spec. is this?
Trading all Umbra skins
Trading/LF:offers/MLF:tsih-mono orb/NLF:umbra (spec)
Man, why do people think a -8 steadfast G5 is worth more than Prime Shadow/Workhorse Umbra with +3 attack and 10 defense?
Who have 2099 non premium
Losercity I'm still pissed off about this even though it happened like a month ago
Screw yall
who win
Trasing p72 john smith for tsot of today
Is Shingami Good
Do yall think materials should be tradeable
Old Times horror.
Look what I found
Trading unusual john smith
Trading HYDE (New mythic umbra skin)
Trading premiun john smith and premium zenith for premium tsot
What fruit should get an awakening next, I’ll start