Original versus Rebirth screenshot comparison pt 3.
They must have gotten a huge payday from Apple for this episode
Original versus Rebirth screenshot comparison pt 2.
Original versus Rebirth Screenshot comparison pt 1. (Details in picture description)
*sighs* in relatability 😮💨
horror movies with no nudity/sex
He’s gonna be out for a while lol
Starting my Rebirth comparison on Wednesday, so by request, here is a repost of my Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 2, since the first post was taken down.
At what age did you meet your spouse?
Who should play Barack Obama in a biopic?
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 10.
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 9.
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 8.
Am I the only one who likes this outfit for Broshep? I've seen a lot of people say they hate it but I think it's cool and kinda sexy, it's the only outfit that lets him show some skin.
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 7.
What's a movie you went into completely blind and was later blown away by it?
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 6.
Kyle removed from the cover photo. HOPEFULLY that's just temporary 😢 KYLEBETRAYEDME!
What's you're favorite cheese in the franchise? Mine is teaching Azulmagia to k*** himself
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 5.
Did you like this film? Why or why not?
When I saw War of the Worlds as a kid this scene had me freaking out in the theater, the way Dakota starts crying here is just heartbreaking.
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 4.
caption this
Original versus Remake screenshot comparison pt 3.