My character in Fallout 76:
My character in Fortnite:
Hi, I'm Paul!
What's the best game mode to grind out the weapon challenges?
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
Seriously why doesn't anyone use replicator to recover banners?
My friend 3D-printed and hand painted this dude in T-60 power armour for my birthday
Has there always been stars during the night time period in Plankerton stormshield?
It appears to be the case that Fortnite has a vastly superior control over the cheating and organized targeting of the game.
How long does it take to get the Kraber to weapon mastery lv.100? 😀
her details because she's kinda awesome
Out of ammo, not out of options.
Universal heirlooms vs legend specific
Big Teamdeathmatch sucks
thumbnail work i did not get payed for so now its free
picture quality
RIP To My YouTube Feed
I installed Apex Legends on my Nintendo Switch Lite. This way, I may be able to do a few dailies before I get home. It's sweet. Gamer Threads
What can we expect from EA?
Certainly most of us remember this:
These endgames are why I still play
How many stw players got all survivor squads filled with trolls? 😂
bro what is this
This sub is nothing but negativity