Which recipe should I buy? (Should I wait for a different batch?)
I see Dead Patrons (not really)
What would you put inside a landraider redeemer?
Tattoo artists around brum?
Please help me find this coat for sale.
Help me find this coat
Would it be weird if I went to the Flapper or Scruffy Murphy's by myself?
How do you complete this task?
Monk Titansoul
Guild Choice math issues with invests?
Am I misunderstanding math? Is there a glitch?
What are these badges?
Bladeguard veterans
Bork with the fork
Into the tomb (pvm appreciation)
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
Shiny charm and the dlc.
so many raids, not a single herba mystica
All primaris models?
Blood Angel upgrade pack/s and death company/SG questions.
Please increase energy capacity! Unbalanced for Tier 10 surcharge and above.
Resin models
Strange bug
Cant place Request on market for Chipped Runestones
finished the first one. Yes, I know that this weapon combination is illegal. But You have to admin it looks badass! Decided to do a tiny bit of nmm after all.