What do guys actually think of girls who don’t do hookups
Former hopeless romantic men, how did you deal with hopeless romantic-ing?
Set Simmons (Colchon+Sommier+Almohadas MF) 2 y 1/2 Plazas Beautyrest Worldclass Spa - $600.000
Set Comedor GrupoVeta Catanzaro/Palermo - $500.000
Moving to Norway, how can I make you all lovely Norwegians proud as an immigrant?
How do people who travel for months on end not get exhausted?
Si el vídeo de Massa duro como mármol es, en realidad, un vídeo trucado con IA; por qué nadie subió el supuesto video original?
Qué tenemos normalizado los argentinos pero en realidad es horroroso?
Porque nadie habla del peso digital que propone Massa ?
Top 10 best countries to move to in 2024, according to Wealthy Expat.
I thought first date went well but she ghosted me. Was I too pushy with her?
La NASA confirma que la Argentina es uno de los pocos países del mundo con balance positivo de carbono
Tier List de presidentes argentinos. Opiniones?
I [24M] feeling confused and so much hurt on first tinder date w a [21F]
Ladies who lost respect for a man, why?
Had a great time, planned 2nd date, and blocked me on socials on date day
How many Tinder convos do people maintain at the same time?
is there really a cure for social anxiety?
What's the biggest scam in todays society?
Coming to BA for 10 months - how much $USD would you recommend I bring? (Not including rent). I plan on cooking 6 days a week. Costs: gym membership, transportation (Uber and taxis), general entertainment, ect. Thanks in advance!
Contame la actitud más rata que hayas presenciado
Su lógica es irrefutable
Anyone know how to move servers?
[Serious] Who would you name as the "most evil human alive on Earth today"?