Who are your favorite agent partners at precinct 13579?
Star Trek characters you can't ever hate?
Why do they look alike?
Does anyone know what George Takei Movie or TV Show this picture is from?
Does anyone know what the movies, tv shows are that these two pictures of George Takei are from?
Does anybody know or can anybody find who performs as these two characters?
I made some artwork because I was bored.
What would be The Mane Six's or other characters favorite music genres?
In your opinion, who’s the most attractive character and why?
What do we think of Spike's timeskip design? Is it good? Bad? How would you have changed it?
Do you think Spike should have been a quadruped or do you like him as a biped?
My Mane 5
Who do you imagine an adult Spike being voiced by?
SpikeBelle, Spikealoo, or Spikebloom???
Who is an actor, singer or someone you would have liked to see voice a character in MLP G4?
What do you think of the cuttie mark crusaders?
Favorite Spike ship???
What are your guy's favorite ponies and why?