How mutch constant fps do you get in this game?
Game perfomance is questionable
Game perfomance is really bad
Max 3, Min 1 is the worst of all worlds.
How do you balance a speedster?
Does this mean I'm hardstuck?
Is it worth becoming a one-trick with Roadhog?
I really miss play of the game
If hero bans come, who are you banning?
What is everyone’s least favorite character (not to fight or their design, just someone you don’t find fun to play)
Map rotation in this game is terrible
Thoughts about this so far?
Overwatch is currently taking a bad route
Bro the rank reset is brutal.
Naturreis war über Nacht nicht im Kühlschrank
I made a brief summary of some of the content and changes coming in Season 1!
Finally out of bronze!
Kann man das noch essen? Aag1 vitamin Pulver
Weiße Bohnen aus der Dose vom Rewe seit fast 2 Jahren abgelaufen. (12.02.2023).
After fully committing to one-tricking rein this season, I finished in Top 500 for the first time.
Solo queue ranked is just the worst
What does roller mean?
Smurfing = Cheating
This game is amazing and all yet its so hard for solo like people who mainly play solo like me its so hard frustrating some times
Somebody needs to explain me that