What have you seen that you wish you could unsee?
How would you name this dog?
What do you say to a naked lady?
When you die, who will sit at your grave the longest?
What gift would really make this Christmas special for you?
One of the few movies actually better than the original.
Darkest Johnny's songs?
For those who don’t like this album, why?
People in America, Who are you voting for.?
What is your all time favourite video game?
If you have ever saved someone's life, how did it happen?
What is the most disgusting thing you've seen/eaten at a restaurant/takeaway that made you never go back?
F-1 Trillion and Postys future career as a country singer
One of my johnny cash tattoos, my favourite artist of all time. (I also have his guitar on the the other side)
I told myself I need to stop drinking so much.
Snoop dogg 😂 best I could do. 😏
What was the first phone you had?
What's the best music band to ever exist?
Created my own version of rocky balboa (tried lol) one of the best parts of the game making your own boxers.
What was the best concert you've ever been to, and why?
Piss bombs?
My brother met Johnny Cash
What’s something about sex you didn’t expect when you first experienced it?
What was the name of your favorite video game when you were young?
You've just been in a gruesome car crash -- paramedics are on their way. Everything is mangled but the radio still works. What song do you NOT want playing repeatedly over you as you bleed out?