What is the next prime you're most excited for?
What's the weirdest thing you saw an animal doing?
If someone made a movie about your life, what would the title be?
What's your new year's resolution?
What's a job you absolutely refuse to work no matter what?
What’s the one piece of advice you’ve received that you regret following?
What’s a conspiracy theory you don’t believe, but secretly wish were true?
What’s the most ridiculous reason your pet thinks you’re a bad owner?
What’s a harmless habit or routine you have that would completely confuse someone from 100 years ago?
What’s the strangest reason you’ve ever been late to work or school?
What’s a food you absolutely refuse to eat no matter what?
Is B1 English enough to write a good copy?
What’s a completely normal thing that instantly annoys you?
What’s a food combo you secretly love but know sounds disgusting?
بتلعبو ايه اونلاين PC
What is the funniest and weirdest thing you have ever seen in the street?
What new habits or activities has meditation helped you to discover?
People of reddit, What did you do to overcome from your depression?
Travelers of reddit, what is the weirdest thing that has happened to you abroad?
What’s „your“ game?
العاب ترجع الشغف؟!
Hi studying is something important to learn so is there's any way to improve how to study like a studying style or a book teaching you how to study ?
if you had the choice to be an animal, which one would you choose and why?
alright people with impeccable taste buds: what's the weirdest food combination that actually tastes amazing?
Be honest, what do you really want right now?